Accommodations Request Form

General Information
Please enter your first name.
Please enter your last name.
Please enter your MVNU ID #.
Please enter your student email address.
Please enter your street address.
Please enter your city.
Please enter your state.
Please enter your zip code.
Please enter your cell phone number.
Please enter your home phone number.

MVNU provides equal access to all educational and programmatic activities and abides by section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the applicable provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. The Office of Accessibility Services’ facilitates a process for students to self-disclose documented disabilities and fosters a campus environment that is accessible, inclusive, and regulatorily compliant.

The MVNU Accommodations Process is individualized and considers all information students submit about their disability including self-reports, observable information, and assessments from a qualified professional. Disability diagnoses are confidential unless required by law or a student approves a release of information. Approved accommodations can be shared with appropriate faculty and staff.

The process includes:

  • this request form
  • disability documentation/verification
  • personal intake appointment

All students, including those with disabilities, must meet the qualifications and learning outcomes of their courses and program. Accommodations cannot decrease curriculum elements or alter fundamental program requirements and do not guarantee academic success. Accommodations create equal access and opportunity for success for students with disabilities.

After submitting this form online, your next step is to have verification documentation from a qualified professional sent to MVNU either by email ( or by fax (740)-399-8684. Please complete this process as quickly as possible as accommodations are not retroactive. (MNVU accepts a variety of verification documents. Please see details and template forms at If your disability and needed accommodations are clearly observable and related, no verification form is needed.) Most accommodations can be put in place within two weeks but some can take up to six weeks so submit the request form and verification document promptly.

Once reasonable accommodations are determined, an official Letter of Accommodations is created for distribution to appropriate faculty and staff. MVNU reserves the right to request further documentation to determine reasonable accommodations.

The learning outcomes and instruction methods (online/in-seat, program type, length, etc.) of each activity, program, or course are considered with accommodation requests. The potential accommodations listed below are ones commonly provided but are not meant to be an exclusive list. Some may not be deemed reasonable in every activity, program, or course.